
Disguise of the kumiho
Disguise of the kumiho

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read if you have not yet watched the sixth episode "Lovecraft Country," titled "Meet Me in Daegu." A demonic fox with nine tails? However, the Korean incarnation is decidedly more ravenous, feasting on the body parts of humans while often taking on the disguise of beautiful women to trick and seduce men before devouring them. While Ji-Ah's mother is frustrated by that, the kumiho nearly gives in to her monstrous urges, with Atticus barely escaping with his life as the kumiho attempted to feed on him and glimpsed his possible future back in Chicago. Episodul 6 „Ne vedem în Daegu” („Meet Me In Daegu”) al serialului de la HBO Lovecraft Country, trece dincolo de ororile din Statele Unite și ne oferă o incursiune în mitologia coreeană.Mai exact, miturile kumiho și mudang, cu care a venit în contact Atticus (Jonathan Majors), staționat în Coreea în timpul serviciului militar, la sfârșitul anilor 1940. More about this mainstay of Korean folklore and Tic's future.

disguise of the kumiho disguise of the kumiho

RELATED: Lovecraft Country May Have Introduced Its Own Time Machine.

Disguise of the kumiho